Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Word Verification

You know... The distorted looking word you have to type in when you comment on one's blog. Thanks again Carol for your brilliance and for creating that spark I needed for yet another topic on my blog. You see, Carol likes to make sentences out of the word verifications in her comments and by doing so has created two monsters (Rachel and my Mother) who now can not comment without including their verification word. I have yet to participate in this fabulous event but came across the word "mancake" yesterday. Yes... "mancake". This has made me re-evaluate my career goals and as we speak I am now preparing my application to Word Verification Corp. USA (If you know where these headquarters are please let me know) if they won't hire me I think I'll try the fortune cookie industry.
Here is my sentence...
I like my mancake at Village Inn with whip cream and jam.

Yes... This is a picture of me with my "mancake".
I know we're weird but I wouldn't have it any other way.
(and by we're I mean... well, I won't mention names but you know who you are)


Rachel said...

I recognize that little boat you're on...Klamath Falls, you brought lots of great memories!
P.S. I like my MANCAKE drizzled with syrup and a touch of powdered sugar...it may go straight to my GALLNE, but I likes it oh so much!

BYU Fish said...

I can't believe this....now my very cool blog has become YOUR VERY COOL BLOG!!! What the....I debated for THREE days as to whether to blog about these FAVULOUS words. SHEEPI! I just think I've been upstaged by the "worcues" thief!

Carol J said...

Klamath Falls was so Favulous... once we got there! Got a little hairy on the 16 hour, 13 person packed "love shack on wheels" drive / but hey / Brian Regan was WORTH IT!.....OK... I like my mancake with Sliced strawberries, whip cream, drizzled with "real maple" syrup! And.... I'm just a little SUPSIO of all of you mancake lovers!!!

Kar said...

Word verification is actually called CAPTCHA, and
I hate it. Is it an "O" or a "0"? Although I have it on my comments so I can't complain too much.

Lara said...

That's so cabea.

....that's all I got. Help Carol??

david said...

I'm madus heck. I thought your mom would say i was her mancake but apparently i'm not. oh well. I have such witty children. Does that come from me or your mom? I know what she would say.

BYU Fish said...

So did you figure the handicapped sign out? I think you have to speak what you hear...maybe if you're blind and can't see the word? Hmmm....WV (word verifcation): Do you remember the jingle...throw a little sphan in the pan? Me neither!

BYU Fish said...

JEANELL!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! You are the BOMB...seriously! I had a silly grin on my face all the way home because I had the GORGEOUS shelf that needed to have the back seat down so it would fit THROUGH the trunk and INTO the car....you are a GENIUS! I'm sooo impressed! I owe you BIG TIME!! This whole experience has just brought me such resses I'm speechless!

BYU Fish said...

And might I just add that I had two other word verications that I had to think of sentences for but took too long because it would reset the worcues....I'm sooo tired I can't even remember what they were...but I made up THREE different sentences...IT WAS A BLAST! Thanks again....you are one sattesse with a saw and hammer!

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