This is how it works...
The first 3 people to leave a comment on this
post will receive a hand made gift from me.
(with that post you need to include something or someone you're grateful for)
BUT... in order for you to leave a comment on my blog,
you must also post this on your blog.
(which means that sometime during the year you will pay it forward to 3 people as well)
**if you have participated in something similar you don't need to re-post on your blog
and are still qualified.
WEHEW!! I'm FIRST. And not to be redundant...referencing my last post...but I'm grateful for singers who love "the blend"! Okay J...you don't HAVE to make me anything...because you JUST DID...soooo chave it for another day!
Oh, a close second! I am grateful for your brother! OH, I mean Cam. He is amazing! I hope I never take him for granted. Cheesy? I know. You don't have to make me anything lets just meet half way one day and have some fun. (when the weather is good)
did i make it? i'm thankful for YOU!
Sorry, didn't see this post...so glad you gave me a heads up. :) And 90 percent of what I own has come from you...so you've paid it forward a million times over already.
No, I can't be late again!!!!!!! Drats!!! That's just fabulack!! Can it be 4???? JK. While I am here, I am grateful for furnaces and warm blankets! For laughter, chocolate chip cookies, shoes, crafts that make a home a home, girlfriends and family.
I would like to request that your home-made goodness to me goes to Sandy...I've been a recipient of your gifts many a time...
OK... so in my blonde moment... I think that red heads are worse.. by the way..... I blogged Carol when I thought I was responding to you... and yes.. I was the first one in..... what the... So... I asked her to forward my response to you. Drats... I know it doesn't count, but I still wanted to put my 2 cents in even though it didn't get me anything. However, I can not say that you've never made me FAVULOUS things.. because I am always the recipient of flavulous things from you. So ...this time.. I will concede. And as far as the weather is concerned... I think I am looking forward to a "rawair" day. And when I DO get my blog up and running (it is down and out right now) I will forward it to 3 very lucky people!
RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!! Rachie you are so 'giforkia', I however am to greedy! Especially when Nell is handing out handmade gifts. Now I must post. Oh happy day!!
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