While posting "Idol Craze" 4 things came to mind...
- 4 Judges
- Try Outs
- U.S. Continent (maybe even Canada Carol)
- Tabernacle Choir
First you take...
One Great Host

Then you add 3 Great Judges


and Simon

(we can't take him out of the line-up)
Put them all in one big pot and simmer up a little...
"Mormon Idol"
Oh, I mean..
"Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Idol"
Hey, I'm just trying to put a spin on the whole process.
(I claim dibs on "created by")
One Great Host

Then you add 3 Great Judges


and Simon

(we can't take him out of the line-up)
Put them all in one big pot and simmer up a little...
"Mormon Idol"
Oh, I mean..
"Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Idol"
Hey, I'm just trying to put a spin on the whole process.
(I claim dibs on "created by")
So you posted this at 5:07 AM? Hmmm...do you need a fan? Because I have one that'll help you sleep!! Hey, the Italians have a saying that fits this post perfectly..."Tocciago"!! (I think it means "fabulous singing" or "rocks for brain")
Does some one have way too much time on her hands?! Have you submitted it to the church leaders to see if they would approve it?
To much thinking and not enough time Juan. I think I shall submit it to the church. Do you think they'll ex-communicate me?
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