Saturday, February 28, 2009


Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
It's off to work I go.


Natalie said...

You are back to work? I thought you were done.

byufish said...

Well, at least you chose the CUTE dwarf!! All I can say is...stand in the middle of the store and scream "YAJAI" at high noon...maybe you can get a few more weeks for mental disability!

Pianojo said...

yea!!!My Jeanell is back!

melissa ( : said...

Good luck with that!

jefferies family said...

Oh..."Outfolks"!! I'm sorry. I hope this going back to work doesn't mean you are cutting back on your blogging. I sure need a good laugh once in awhile. Let me know if "YAJAI" works...I may try it. Do you think CJ will fall for it??

Jeanell said...

We'll have to see Sandy, we'll have to see. I don't think "YAJAI" will work on C.J. due to the fact that you will then only be speaking her own language. Maybe if you roller- skate thru the store and push down the customers will you then get cut your hours. (hey maybe I'll try that at Wal-Mart)

jefferies family said...

Oh my gosh, you are funny!! I don't think she would cut my hours, she would just take my time card so I couldn't clock in. Hee, Hee. She's awesome like that. "YAJAI!!"

Kar said...

Where do you work? And how weird that you posted a picture from Snow White, I sat down and watched that movie last Sunday. Quality.

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