Thursday, September 2, 2010


Poor Caleb... I guess we knew this day would come. I had hoped later than sooner, but here we are.

I found it fitting that he wore his vintage Star Wars shirt to his eye appointment.
He reminds me of a young "Anakin Skywalker" in the above shot.

The above pair was his pick...
The below pair mine.

We bought them both. (if you know Caleb at all, you'll understand our need for a backup pair)

We finally got to pick them up this evening and I think he is pleasantly surprised with this new bright and colorful world he is now able to see.

I don't think he minds.... so far.


Rachel said...

He looks cute in glasses! Funny, HIS pick looks like my sunglasses...YOUR pick look like my regular glasses, which just broke. I'll be visiting the old eye doctor myself pretty soon...what to do???
He looks a lot like Richard in that last pic. :)

byufish said...

Love the glasses! You both have great taste. And I do love the Star Wars shirt/picture. How intuitive eh? That Caleb's one smart boy!

Natalie said...

He looks AWESOME! He was telling us about having to get glasses he seemed excited.

Lara said...

You are SO sweet to offer that Jeanell!! Haven is a size 2 right now.. And probably ready to start fitting some shoes- her sweet little feet were always too chubby and round to fi anything before but since she's been crawling all over the place she's losing the chub! So sad!

Kathy Mouritsen said...

He looks great with glasses. Did he wear his choice to our house? Annikan Skywalker or Clark Kent. Guess it depends on the photo.

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