Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Putting on My Gnat Cap, Tying up My White Tie, Brushing off My Tails.

Webster's definition...
: any of various small usually biting dipteran flies
Brittanica's explanation...
-any member of several species of small flies that bite and annoy humans. Several non biting insects, such as the midges, which resemble mosquitoes, are also sometimes known as gnats. In North America the name is often applied to the black fly, midge, fungus gnat, biting midge, fruit fly, and other small flies that hover about the eyes of humans and other animals. In Great Britain the name usually refers to mosquitoes or less commonly to crane flies (family Tipulidae).
Jeanell's interpretation...
-little, black, annoying, biting, swarming thing-a-ma-jigs that feast on human flesh and can be found in the once small town of Grantsville.
(I'm sure they have other vacation spots but I have yet to find one)

The Solution...

"The Gnat Cap"
(The homemade pantyhose/hat created by C.J./Mom to help ward off said beasts)

Where am I going with this?
I had the most terrible day yesterday.
It felt much like

little, black, annoying, biting, swarming thing-a-ma-jigs were
taking over.

It's a New Day

Time for a New Strategy

(as you can see I was out of the nude color...smoky gray will have to do)
If this homemade remedy does not help then I'm afraid my only other option
is to find those metal poles mom strapped around my waste. *see above photo


BYU Fish said...

I tell you...even when you're having a REALLY BAD DAY, you still come out throwing your humor around and making everybody else feel good. I mean I NEVER had any metal poles strapped to my waist! Sheesh...I'm ALMOST thinking that growing up in Grantsville would give you a "vierd" complex! Gotta share this picture with the sis's...they heard the story of the gnat lip gloss the other day.

Rachel said...

Times like this I wish I were closer and we could just get together and eat/shop/vent our problems away. I love you and am praying for you...and you're right, it's a new day. Think Celine Dion trip..."New Day" concert, fabulous time, happy memories. Things will work out.

Kristy said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day...love the pic though, your too funny. I am ashamed to admit I did the grantsville mom thing last year with the gnat hats...Len was like "what the h--- is that on their heads!" Only us granstvillians understand the importance of a gnat hat! Gnat Hat=Happy Kid :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day. If it makes you feel any better, I laughed out loud when I saw the picture of you. You crack me up, Jeanell!

Natalie said...

What is going on? Can I help you in any way? This was another fun post. I am finding I look forward to what you will come up with next. Please let me know if I can do something for you!

Tiff said...

I totally remember the gnat caps!! I would play outside in Grantsville for hours with the nylon on my head. I told Eric about it one day and he didn't believe me. He found it very hillarious!

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