Since the our last posting it seems like we've been going non-stop.
So to update you on all the October fun we had...
So to update you on all the October fun we had...
The kids entered a Safety Poster contest sponsored by Vulcraft (Richard's employer) at the end of August. The comical part of the contest was trying to get the kids to participate due to the fact that regardless of whether or not they won they would all receive a 25.00 gift certificate. We thought they might jump at this opportunity due to the fact they seem to always want money from us for one thing or another. Trust me it took some coaxing on our part but they were excited when they finally got their 25.00 in cash just a few weeks ago. 

We took a picture to celebrate!
We also had fun decorating for Halloween, painting and moving furniture in order to accommodate for our upcoming addition.

We finally purchased a crib, car seat, stroller, high chair and portable play yard this month but have yet to take anything out of the box. Devin has been taking hunter's safety classes and is now officially certified and Caleb participated in his 3rd pumpkin walk at school.

He painted his Frankenstein pumpkin all by himself.
I tried to help but had to wash off what I did paint because he wanted it to be his own work. It was pretty dramatic that night.
On the 28th I was able to arrive at Utah Valley Hospital just in time to see the birth of Emma.
Thank you Rachel for letting me experience life's joys with you. I love you tons!
Last... Caleb's primary program, haunted ginger house decorating, trick or treating
and we attended our traditional Jefferies Halloween party @ Grandma and Grandpa's house.
The kids had a ball eating, playing games and listening to stories from our special vistior...Witch Samon.
Thanks Mom and Dad for making each Holiday a fun get-together for everyone!
We are now looking forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas and of course Baby Sister.
We are now looking forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas and of course Baby Sister.
Yeahhhhhhh for you Nellie!!! I'm tickled pink and so happy that you get to have a girl!! Boy, do they mix things up a little. I am glad you found me through blog stalking as well. Isn't it great? I love to find people as well and get caught up on what has been going on lately. Who needs class reunions when you have blogs these days. haha You have a very handsome family and are most deserving of a girl after four boys. Good luck with everything and just know I will be stalking you from now on.
Nellie I have tagged you on my blog you will find the details there.
Hey Nelli i love your blog its great i hope you like ours too.
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