Just a quick story about how I face my fears.
I had dropped Richard off the other day and was about a mile away from home when I felt something out of the ordinary. As I looked down I found myself staring at a rather large Wolf Spider that had perched itself upon my arm. Now I can understand maybe a small garden spider or even house spider but honestly, a Wolf Spider (large) in the confinement of my vehicle (small) 
(This picture is not an exaggeration)
Those of you who know anything about me can imagine how I might have reacted.
In an attempt to flip the spider off of me I must have flung it in my hair because when I grabbed my hair and started shaking it, the spider found itself upon my arm once again. Luckily I was alone, in other words I would have scared the hell out of anyone who had to listen to the horrific screaming and stomping for that last mile, not to mention the curse words that were being directed towards the spider (that's the grandma Chleo coming out in me). I don't know how I made it home, in fact I don't remember much of anything other than the screaming, stomping, cursing and pulling into the garage where I mentally counted to 3 and then threw myself from the vehicle only to start the madness of screaming and stomping once again. Does this happen to anyone else? Has this happened to anyone else? or is this just my luck?
I would like to give props to my Brayden and Caleb for checking my clothing and hair once I made it into the house safely and to my husband who rescued my purse, jacket and keys once he arrived home. I send apologies to my unborn baby for the chaos and stress I must have put her through. Unfortunately the spider has yet to make another appearance and I have switched vehicles for the time being.

(This picture is not an exaggeration)
Those of you who know anything about me can imagine how I might have reacted.
In an attempt to flip the spider off of me I must have flung it in my hair because when I grabbed my hair and started shaking it, the spider found itself upon my arm once again. Luckily I was alone, in other words I would have scared the hell out of anyone who had to listen to the horrific screaming and stomping for that last mile, not to mention the curse words that were being directed towards the spider (that's the grandma Chleo coming out in me). I don't know how I made it home, in fact I don't remember much of anything other than the screaming, stomping, cursing and pulling into the garage where I mentally counted to 3 and then threw myself from the vehicle only to start the madness of screaming and stomping once again. Does this happen to anyone else? Has this happened to anyone else? or is this just my luck?
I would like to give props to my Brayden and Caleb for checking my clothing and hair once I made it into the house safely and to my husband who rescued my purse, jacket and keys once he arrived home. I send apologies to my unborn baby for the chaos and stress I must have put her through. Unfortunately the spider has yet to make another appearance and I have switched vehicles for the time being.
My mom told me this story, and I would have Freaked too:) I HATE HATE HATE spiders! When i was 9 months pregnant w/cambria I came across a rather large spider in my apartment, and was not about to step on it(cause that freaks me out feeling it crush beneath my foot)so I sprayed windex on it and it had babies .....so then I had baby spiders running everywhere...i wanted to run away, but instead just hid in my room the rest of the day and cried until Paul got home....so yes I am a freak when it comes to spiders !!!
I think I would have passed out...I have seen you in action when a spider is IN THE ROOM, so I can imagine this scene. I had one on my arm the other day (a much less scary spider than yours, though) and I started hopping around and saying "OH! OH! OH!" until I finally killed it. Ethan laughed hysterically from his high chair the entire time.
Poor thing! I have started finding a lot of spiders at my house and it is not exciting for me. I usually make Chris kill them. There was a huge spider like that on the wall by my desk at work the other day, instead of chancing trying to kill it, I just let and pretended that it was never there. I was glad to see that you had a blog. Let me know when that baby of yours is born, I want to come and see her.
Hi!! It's Lacey (Marshall) Williams. I found your blog through Rachels. After reading this blog, I almost peed my pants...literally. I HATE SPIDERS! I once (while living with my parents) woke up in the middle of the night and had to go pee, as I was sitting there..taking care of business...I happend for some odd reason too look up...and there coming down from the ceiling to attack my poor naked bum, was the most massive spider I have ever seen. I totally understand your cursing, stomping, and freaking out...cause I did that too!!
I would have died! That is so awful! I'm glad you didn't get in a car accident. Once I had a ladybug on my arm while I was driving, and that was enough to freak me out! Don't you HATE spiders?!?
I imagine you and Whitney are similar in your reactions to spiders. The other day Whitney was istting on the couch, and all of the sudden she let out a grown and walked into the kitchen and told me to go kill the spider that was on the ligth fixture in the front room. I went it and prayed it. When it died, I got a closer look at it and saw that unmistakeable red hourglass on its underside. Whitney was NOT happy about a black widow in the house, but she has been assured that they don't travel in packs and that there probably isn't another one. She had the maintenance people come over and fumegate the trailer anyway. :)
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